VIDEO: Bluebirds Feed Tiny Chicks
Western Bluebird parents feed chicks in the nestbox used by Oak Titmice last year. Share this educational video, and the dramatic stand-off filmed between the two species last year, with your kids. (Species Sialia mexicana).
Sailboat Resilience has "Supporting Role" in Netflix Movie!
Netflix Movie, California Christmas, City Lights, features Beth and Jim’s sailboat Resilience in a romantic dinner scene between Josh Strickland and Lauren Strickland.
March Madness: Harbor Seals Gear up to Mate
Harbor seals challenge each other for space, a mate, or status in San Francisco Bay’s Horseshoe Cove.
Crossing the Tomales Bay Bar
Sailing vessel Resilience crosses the hazardous shallow sandbar at the mouth of Tomales Bay. Warning: The Tomales Entrance bar is dangerous and should not be attempted by boaters unfamiliar with the area.
VIDEO: Bushtit Parents Feed Six Fledglings
American Bushtits feed fledged chicks as siblings snuggle and jostle for position on a branch. Backyard birding.
VIDEO: Bluebirds Attack Oak Titmice in Nestbox Challenge
Western Bluebirds attack Oak Titmice in a challenge over the Titmouse-occupied nest box. Share this educational video with your kids.
VIDEO: Oak Titmouse Pair Builds a Nest
Witness a pair of Oak Titmice build a nest in a nest box, learn the species familiar call, observe one bird delivering food and nest material to its mate. Share this educational video with your kids.
"First Do No Harm," published in Redwood Writers 2020 Anthology
What emerged was not the sound of a human child, but the whisper-scratch of a creature frozen, the sound a lizard might make if forced to sing…
Remote Solutions: N95 Face Mask + Computer Fan = Indoor Air Filter
Beth and Jim experience wildfire smoke while anchored in a remote location in their sailboat. Jim secures an N95 face mask to a computer fan to create an air filter.
Book Review: Cry of the Kalahari, by Mark Owens, Delia Owens
A Book Review by Beth Ann Mathews
Meg McConahey, Press Democrat, interviews Beth Ann Mathews…
Beth Ann Mathews is the co-leader of the garden landscape committee at Yulupa Cohousing, where a vibrant sustainable landscape with native plants requiring low water …